Known Issues - 0.01

So Alpha 0.01 is here for everyone to try! If you did, obviously noticed plenty of missing stuff, bugs and issues. Here I will list what comes to mind, and I would gladly appreciate if you have any issue, bug or suggestion. Let me hear below. Thanks!

ProblemCurrent Status
Male model is very bad and shares animations with female model.Male animations are halfway done, model still needs a big rework.
Male Apparel is lackingNew clothing are in the works,  but first I need the updated male model
Beards are missing Beards are coming with nice physics too.
AI just stands there doing nothing.GOAP (similar to The Sims) implemented for racing, combat and follower. 
Next is implement for basic tasks, like sleep when low energy, eat when hungry
bathroom when time to go, entertainment when bored, social when lonely.
Just two race tracks and two battle arenasMaking more similar to the ones in game already is not too demanding.
But unless requested by many, there are other priorities now.
Obstacle Course is inferior to Race and Arena activities.Obstacle course will move to game menu like racing and arena, and will have much 
more involved course with plenty of obstacles and more movement speed
Sometimes character is crouching or crawling after arena reset.Fix coming in next update.
Depth of field in first person is wrong, and when leaving inventoryFix coming in next update.
Hair clipping in first personThat clip are the hair "bangs", so i will need to update all hair models to
have a First person variant
Missing sounds for rain, storms, lightning, snow and moreMany more sounds coming next update
Dialogue UI is not great, specially speech bubblesChanges coming in next update.
No wild lifeAnimals are coming, first bugs, butterflies and such
Then birds,  after that fish and lastly land animals.  Most models ready, textures
still need work  and AI is inexistent

There are still a lot more, but these are ones that come to mind right now. Let me know what else you stumble uppon. Cheers

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